The Music Marketing Manifesto Blog

Your Album Release Blueprint

Your Album Release Blueprint

Did you know that there are approximately 23,864 things that go into releasing an album?

Ok, so maybe that's a SLIGHT exaggeration... But there are a LOT of things that need doing before that album drops. And if you get a late start on some of these things, or worse, forget to do them at all... then it can KILL your chances of success. 

In the latest episode of the Music Marketing Manifesto Podcast we attempt to help you make some order out of the chaos by laying out a complete, STEP-BY-STEP Album Release Blueprint that you can apply to your next release.

Most of us work on our albums for years; striving for perfection with every lyric, melody, and sound...

...but you only get one shot at the release. So make it count.

Listen in now...

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